

Prof. Dr. Karin Larsson

Prof. Dr. Karin Larsson received her M.Sc. at the Uppsala University (Sweden) 1981 in „Education and Scientific Subjects”, her Ph. Lic.  at the Uppsala University 1988 in „Inorganic Chemistry“ and finished as Assoc. Prof. (“docent”) at the Uppsala University 1997 in “Inorganic Chemistry”. She furthermore obtained experience from characterization (1981-88; Solid state NMR of diffusive motion in solid hydrates, synthesis (1989-1991; CVD of diamond) and quantum mechanical calculations (1991-).

The scientific focus of today is on interpretation, understanding and prediction of various processes/properties of interfaces (solid/gas, solid/solid, solid/liquid) by using quantum mechanical calculations. Identified research areas are i) thin film growth, ii) effect of chemical composition and nano-sizes on materials properties, and iii) surface chemical reactions for sensor applications.